Maraimov Rajabali Mirzoevich (Rajab Mirzo)
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02:19 / 2025-02-20


Maraimov Rajabali Mirzoevich (Rajab Mirzo)

Rajabi MirzoJournalist, expert, madia trainer, the administrator of facebook group “News for opinion” (77000 users). Graduate of journalism department of the Tajik National University.

Work experience:
1997: deputy editor-in-chief of “Surush” publication
1998-1999: secretary of “Vostochniy Express”;
1999-2001: reporter, speial correspondent, and manager of economic department of “Jumhuriyat” publication
2003 : editor of the information and politics section of “Nerui Sukhan” publication
2003: the founder and editor-in-chief of “Ruzi Nav” publication
2009 – 2010: editor-in-chief of “Imruz” radio;
2011: the founder and the head of sociological research center “Boztob”
2016 – 2020: employee of the public organization “Khoma”;

Honor and awards:
- The award of the youth committee under the Government of Tajikistan (2000)
- The winner of competition “Journalist of the year” (2004);
- The winner of national competition “Chehrakuchoi” ( “Bonuvoni Tojikiston” magazine, 2011);
- The winner of Abdulhay Mirzoev award (Vose, 2013);
- Otakhon Latifi award (Media alliabce of Tajikistan, 2019);
- One of the winners of TOP-50 radio “Vatan” (соли 2017);
- Proud citizen of Pensacola city, Florida State USA (2019)
- Holder of award “Etimod” of Media Council (2021);
- Acknowledgments from Ministry of Internal Affairs (2018), People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan, Mass Media Academy (2021)


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