Foundation of NANSMIT
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03:15 / 2025-02-20

Foundation of NANSMIT

Background Information

National Association of Independent Media, Tajikistan (NANSMIT) is a non-governmental, voluntary and autonomic organization created on the basis of self-determination of citizens (both individuals and legal entities) consolidated for joint fulfillment of legal rights, freedoms and interests in the sphere of the mass media. NANSMIT is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan on 28 September 1999 (Certificate №526). NANSMIT has a sound mechanism of management, well-trained personnel and clear policies of accountancy and reporting based upon Tajikistan’s Law “On Accountancy” and other legal provisions.

The Association acts in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Law “On Public Units”, the Law on “Printing and Other Mass Media”, the Law “On Television and Radio”, other Tajikistan’s legal provisions, and NANSMIT’s Charter.

The Association is a national entity. It carries out its activities countrywide. Pursuing the goals defined in constituent documents, the Association can establish its affiliates, funds or other legal entities and representations on the territory of Tajikistan and abroad. Foreign relations are implemented by the Association in accordance with Tajikistan’s legislation.

Currently, the Association has three Legal Support Centers for journalists – in Dushanbe, in Khujand and in Kurgan-Tube. The Association also has two affiliates in administrative centers of Sughd and Khatlon provinces (in the cities of Khujand and Kulyab respectively).


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